
I'm a freelance writer by day and a working jazz musician by night, and often I am able to combine my two lines of work. This blog is for posting gigs & various rants about music and life in general.

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Friday, April 03, 2009

lag time

I haven't posted much lately mainly because there hasn't been too much going on. The economy has had a tremendously negative effect on local gigs, so I haven't been playing as often as I used to. Sadly, the weekly stint at Panache has been discontinued, although I am hopeful that once things look up, maybe we'll be asked to return. We had a lot of good years there--would have been 12 years this summer. That's quite a run!

I haven't attended many performances lately. It's difficult when most big gigs are in Chicago (2 hours away). I'd love to visit the new Jazz Showcase but haven't made it up that way yet. Things were easier when we didn't have to arrange for childcare! I wish there was more jazz going on in my hometown, Bloomington-Normal, where I'd feel perfectly safe hiring a sitter and going out for a few hours. But leaving town when someone else is in charge--that I'm just not comfortable with. Guess it's the mom in me, outweighing the musician.

I do have a few gigs on the books, which I'll update here in a moment. In the meantime, please make a little extra effort to seek out gigs near you, where ever you may be, and try to attend them. Musicians (and club owners) need your support now more than ever!


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