
I'm a freelance writer by day and a working jazz musician by night, and often I am able to combine my two lines of work. This blog is for posting gigs & various rants about music and life in general.

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Monday, December 27, 2004

the day after the day after

Happy post-holiday #1, all. Whether you celebrated Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Christmas or otherwise, I hope you had the opportunity to spend time with the folks you care most about. I know I did.

Holiday #2 is just around the corner and it's one that, to my knowledge, everyone celebrates regardless of his/her belief system. And that would be the new year.

I have no gigs lined up for this festive occasion, which on one hand is too bad, because New Year's gigs generally pay very well. On the other hand, I don't really like to be on the road when three quarters of the folks out partying are driving themselves around, so not having to work is actually ok. Kevin and I have managed, during the past several years, to either take the same gigs on New Years Eve or to take the night off completely together. This year we're both free. And that's just fine with me.

I'm in the process of setting up both January and February at Panache. Since we've got a groove going with personnel, I figure it'll be easier to set up 2 months at a time and not have to worry about another month sneaking up on me and realizing that I don't have a group put together for the next week. Well, this may still happen but it won't happen as often. Baby steps, my friends...baby steps.

Anyway, as soon as I have the lineup established I'll post it here. This week is good to go, however:

December 30 at Panache with Mike Nellas (bass) and Kevin (piano)
7.30-10.00 pm

Hope to see some of your smiling faces there. :-)


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