
I'm a freelance writer by day and a working jazz musician by night, and often I am able to combine my two lines of work. This blog is for posting gigs & various rants about music and life in general.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

time after time

Feast or famine. That's the motto of a freelance anything.

As a writer, I encounter this sort of thing regularly with writing projects. As I finish up one or more pieces of work, I'll look ahead at my calendar(post due dates) only to see that I have no more immediate assignments. Will I ever work again? I ask myself. Fortunately, a dry spell hasn't lasted more than a couple of weeks, and I've used this time to pump up my marketing efforts.

Same thing with music. I haven't booked a new gig in about a month, then within 5 days I received calls resulting in a wedding reception, a couple of summertime outdoor functions, and a Christmas party. Crazy. I'm grateful, of course. This summer is shaping up to be a very busy time.

More later, as it happens....


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